Food for an Open House

An open house is a great way to celebrate the holidays with family and friends without a lot of the hassle of trying to fit things into a schedule. Basically, you have a set number of hours in which your home is open to guests. Friends and family can drop by any time during these hours and stay as long as they like. With an open house, your home will never get over crowded, and you will have more quality time to spend with each guest as they arrive. When hosting an open house, you’ll want to have plenty of … Continue reading

Easing the Transition of Going Back to School

The start of a new school year can sneak up on parents and kids. You know it’s coming, but sometimes it seems to arrive before you know it. With so many changes in routine occurring at once, this can create chaos and stress in the home. In order to make the transition less stressful, there are some things you can do. Start Changing Your Routine If your kids have gotten in the habit of staying up late, sleeping late, or both, now is a good time to start reinstating a more structured routine. Get the kids used to going to … Continue reading