The Opening Hour of Your Garage Sale

The opening hours of your garage sale, are the most important, and often the busiest of the whole day. How many hours, depends solely on the weather, your area, and the day of the week you choose. How can you make the most out of that very first hour of your garage sale? First, be sure to plan ahead. If you are holding the sale in your garage, have everything set up the night before, so when opening time comes, you only have to pop the garage door up and get started. If you plan to host the garage sale … Continue reading

When They Won’t Say Anything

It can be deeply frustrating to be married to someone that keeps everything to him or herself. It can be a particular sore spot if they keep a tight lid on what’s bothering them and choose only to share those things that they are happy about. When your husband or your wife isolates in this fashion, it can feel like it takes an act of Congress to get anything out of them. It can also take an emotional toll on the couple as they struggle to communicate across a vast gulf of all the things they never say. How to … Continue reading