Is it Me? Or is Someone Else Being Difficult?

We talk a great deal here in the Home Business Blog about how to cope with challenging customers, negative attitudes, and special requests, but sometimes it really is not the OTHER person who is being difficult—sometimes, the communication breakdown or attitude adjustment is our own entire problem… I have a couple very close friends who I know I can count on to call me on my “stuff” when I act crabby or inappropriate. My kids can sometimes be gifts in this department too. I do not know all the ins and outs of human nature, and I certainly do not … Continue reading

There is More Than One Side to Every Story

As much as I would like to think that I am perpetually right or that my perspective is correct, I also know that things look different depending on what side of the fence a person is standing on. For single parent families, it seems we can be so tempted to draw a line in the sand and assume that our side is “right” while the other side is “wrong.” Alas, there are usual multiple sides to every story—and as many “sides” as there are individuals involved. It is not always easy for me to remain neutral when it comes to … Continue reading

Do You Worry What Other Parents Think?

I admit that I am only a partially-evolved person—particularly when it comes to my parenting. I DO let myself worry sometimes what other parents think—think of my children’s behavior, my housekeeping, my single-parenthood—even though I can usually talk myself out of it and through it, I have felt the self-consciousness of wondering what the other parents on the sidelines were saying about one of my children… I don’t think this makes me a bad or overly sensitive parent. In fact, I think it makes me pretty normal. We are all doing the best we can and even the most seasoned … Continue reading