Pray and Wait for God’s Answer

When you pray do you expect your prayer to be answered? Are you waiting on God and listening for His answer? Let me share one experience of how God answered my prayer. Recently I was asked to do a talk in front of a large number of women in a couple of months. Now, I’m happy to stand up and sing in front of a crowd any time but speaking is not always such an easy task or comfortable area. But it wasn’t about how I felt about it but about what God wanted me to do. No matter how … Continue reading

The Influence of Music

Have you ever noticed the power of music to influence your moods, attitudes and actions? It’s no wonder experts have discovered music therapy. Last week at church we sang two songs. One was, ‘To live is Christ.’ That song has encouraged me and challenged me throughout this week to look at how I respond to what is happening in my life. Am I responding as Jesus would? Am I showing Christ to the world in the way I speak, the things I say and do? ‘No matter what price I pay, I choose to give this life away.’ Notice it’s … Continue reading

Persistence and God’s Timing

Thanks to The Writing Life newsletter I read about the persistence of Terry Fator, a ventriloquist who entered the America’s Got Talent contest. Despite negative comments and knock backs he persisted. He has since signed ‘a $100 million, five-year deal to headline at Vegas’ Mirage hotel.’ All because he persisted. It’s much the same in the Christian life. We need to persist. Sometimes as friends, wives, parents, neighbors, we can talk and talk about faith and about God but nothing happens. Our loved ones still remain firmly apathetic or antagonistic to the gospel message. A man in our church found … Continue reading

Open Yourself to the Opportunities

It may not look like your life is full of opportunities—in fact, during the average day it may just look like duties, responsibilities, and “have to’s”—not exactly what one might think of when one looks for opportunities. But what are challenges and obligations if not really opportunities in disguise? For me, shifting my thinking to “opportunities” can be incredibly powerful. Of course, as I am only human I do not always remember to do it! For some reason I cannot help but get bogged down with feeling a bit downtrodden and weighted with obligations. Parenting and running a family solo … Continue reading

Love in Action

God has been speaking to me clearly. Maybe He is speaking to you too, as we look at a few questions raised by Romans 5:1-11. Do we have that assurance that we are justified not because of anything we have done? We never can be justified that way, Ephesians2:8-9. We can only be justified by our faith in the Lord Jesus, verse 1. If we have that faith and justification do we know His peace? If not, why not? We have access to the Lord Almighty, verse 2, but how keen are we to avail ourselves of the Almighty and … Continue reading

Are There REALLY Missed Opportunities?

When I was younger, I used to feel very pressed by time. I felt like any time spent doing “nothing” was definitely time wasted. I also couldn’t help but have this nagging feeling that I was missing opportunities right and left. For some reason, years spent as a single parent have helped me to develop a different outlook on time, opportunities, and patience… Over the years, I have come to a very different belief system than the one I started out with and I really do think it is due to what I have been through as a single parent–divorce, … Continue reading

Direct Sales – The Upside of the Ground Floor

Bill O’Reilly would be proud of me today because I am going to take a “fair and balanced” approach to one of my previous posts, “The Downside of the Ground Floor”. I was a Founding Leader for a popular direct sales company (I actually joined before the company officially launched). I also became a leader with another company that was four years old (and widely popular) when I joined. I certainly have experienced the pros and cons of being in both positions, I argued in my “downside” post that it is often more difficult to be a charter consultant for … Continue reading