Maintaining a Positive Outlook and Attitude

At the risk of sounding somewhat “Polly-Anna” about things (okay, maybe a lot Polly-Anna), sometimes the difference between frustration and joy in a home business is just the ability to maintain a positive and optimistic outlook about things. Staying focused on what you want to happen, as well as the pleasures, joys, and successes can get you through those bumpy times when things are really rough. So, we all know that keeping a positive outlook is a good thing, but HOW can it be done when times are really rocky? How do we know that the universe isn’t sending us … Continue reading

Do you have problems? Join the club!

Everyone has problems, although when we are going through a dreadful time it is very easy to look at others and wonder why their lives are so good compared to ours. They may seem to roll through life smoothly, while we stumble and lurch from one disaster to another. One of the problems that clients encounter when they come for counseling is that they often hold a belief system that is just plain wrong. Perhaps you hold it, too? Theodore Rubin summed this belief up well in just two sentences: The problem is not that there are problems. The problem … Continue reading

Positive Thoughts for the Day (1)

Having a favorite thought or saying can really help to ground you when life gets a little frantic. Over the centuries there has been no shortage of wise and witty comments that have been recorded for posterity and have stood the test of time. Human nature does not change and the hopes, dreams, and troubles of time past are no different to those that plague us today. It’s really true that there is nothing new under the sun! So, here is a short list to get you started. Or you can source them yourself from the numerous publications available in … Continue reading