Treating Mild and Severe Gum Disease

If you have early-stage gum disease (also known as gingivitis), early treatment can save your teeth! In the early stages, gingivitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues and bones that support the teeth. As the disease progresses, it becomes periodontitis — a more serious form of gum disease that can permanently damage tissue and lead to tooth loss. Treating gingivitis early gives you a chance to reverse the damage done to your mouth. Brush your teeth twice daily (morning and night). Floss your teeth once daily. Use an antiseptic or antiplaque mouthwash. Visit your dentist more frequently (every three … Continue reading

Oral Care for Pets — Make it Easy on Yourself

I bet you can think of a lot of things you’d rather do besides brush your pet’s teeth. It’s not easy, and it’s not much fun, either. But there are some things you can do to make it easy to keep your pet’s pearly whites healthy. Get your pet used to you handling his mouth — before you even get the brush out. Touch his face, lift his lips, and rub his gums. Be patient. This can take a while. Pick out an appropriate toothbrush. You may feel most comfortable with a brush that slips over your index finger — … Continue reading

Oral Care for Pets — Why Is it Important?

My parents’ dog Becca (who I think of as my fur-sister) recently needed to have eight teeth removed. A year or so ago, the vet noticed that the teeth on one side of Becca’s mouth were dirtier than the teeth on the other side. He mentioned that a professional cleaning might be useful. But it wasn’t an urgent need, and my parents didn’t follow up. Fast forward to a few months ago. My mom starts to notice that Becca is only chewing on one side of her mouth. Could something be wrong with her teeth? My parents decide to mention … Continue reading

Natural Mouth Care

If you think you’re a little crazy about dental health, you aren’t alone. Americans spent nearly four million dollars on natural oral hygiene products in 2002 according to Nutrition Business Magazine — and that was a fifteen percent increase from 2001 spending. So why the increase in natural dental care products? People are more label-conscious these days. Not only do they read the labels, they worry about what’s on the label. Some people are choosing natural ingredients in their toothpaste and mouthwash because it’s tried and true. Herbal concoctions and essential oils have been used in health and beauty for … Continue reading

Help for Canker Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that appear inside our mouths. They begin as a small red dot that will form a white head and eventually rupture and leave an open sore. These are slightly different from the also common cold sore. Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus, appear outside of the mouth, and are highly contagious. Studies have yet to prove just exactly why we get canker sores. Some scientists suggest they are inflammatory/stress response, the result of an injury, something that is hereditary, or caused by bacteria or viruses. Junk food, stress, acids, tobacco, dehydration or the … Continue reading