Oral Care for Pets — Make it Easy on Yourself

I bet you can think of a lot of things you’d rather do besides brush your pet’s teeth. It’s not easy, and it’s not much fun, either. But there are some things you can do to make it easy to keep your pet’s pearly whites healthy. Get your pet used to you handling his mouth — before you even get the brush out. Touch his face, lift his lips, and rub his gums. Be patient. This can take a while. Pick out an appropriate toothbrush. You may feel most comfortable with a brush that slips over your index finger — … Continue reading

Oral Care for Pets — Why Is it Important?

My parents’ dog Becca (who I think of as my fur-sister) recently needed to have eight teeth removed. A year or so ago, the vet noticed that the teeth on one side of Becca’s mouth were dirtier than the teeth on the other side. He mentioned that a professional cleaning might be useful. But it wasn’t an urgent need, and my parents didn’t follow up. Fast forward to a few months ago. My mom starts to notice that Becca is only chewing on one side of her mouth. Could something be wrong with her teeth? My parents decide to mention … Continue reading