How the Unorganized Person Stays Organized

My definition of organization means getting everything done that needs to be done that day and being able to find what I need to find when I need it. Everyone has a different personality and mine does not include organization. Though it doesn’t appear that there is any rhyme and reason to my office or the way I do things, in reality my lack of organization is my organization. I have many piles all over the place, but I know what is in those piles. I lose more things when I clean my office or reorganize the piles then by … Continue reading

The “Mom” Card

So what’s your excuse? Do you ever pull the “mom” card? “I didn’t have time to make those calls! I was so busy running Billy around and then he was clingy when we were at home! I totally forgot!” Actually, I did do this recently. I wrote something down, but on a scratch piece of paper that got lost. Then it slipped my mind for a few weeks! Being a mom, and a work from home mom at that, is hard. We have a ton of wonderful reasons to not get things done. I have two, three if you count … Continue reading

Mishaps and Mismatched Socks

As usual, things are hopping around here. We manage to stay pretty busy. This weekend was no exception and Super Mom over here (not!) got behind on stuff due to running errands and Christmas shopping. So, Sunday evening as I dried my youngest daughter’s hair after her bath, I was trying to figure out how to get her into bed on time. She likes to sleep with socks on but the socks I washed were still in the dryer. Nothing like doing clothes at the last minute, huh? I spent a few minutes trying to match up some odd socks … Continue reading

Making my Christmas List

Each year I make out my Christmas list and try to stash it somewhere the kids won’t find it. One year, I started keeping my shopping list on the computer and I just hide it by giving the file some weird name. I imagine that if it said CHRISTMAS LIST, somebody would be tempted to peek. Besides, it’s so much easier to do it this way. Instead of marking things out as I buy them, and then trying to figure out what that line said when I’m taking stock of my purchases, I simply highlight the items I’ve obtained in … Continue reading

More Ideas to Get Organized and Enjoy Your Hobby

Organization is key to productivity in any hobby or environment really. It’s easy to organize if you start small and build on it. Don’t expect everything to just happen, and don’t expect it to happen quickly either. It takes time and practice. It takes twenty one days to make anything a habit. So imagine that it is going to take you twenty one days from the day you actually get it all organized before it becomes second nature to you. In a previous article I provided a couple of basic ways to get organized and enjoy your hobby more. I … Continue reading

Build a Basic Scrapbook Space on a Budget

Doesn’t every scrapbooker dream of having their own scrapbook space? We want a place all our own where we can store our supplies and have room to work and crop and make layouts into the wee hours of the morn. However, often cost is a factor when trying to budget in this precious space of our own. So what if I told you it can be done on a budget? You might even be able to use some items you already have on hand. I’m getting ready to move and having a scrap space is an important factor in my … Continue reading