Exercising in Heat and Humidity

My state is currently in a serious heat wave, with temperatures in the 90’s and humidity in the 70’s. But it is apparently a problem across several states, with some experiencing much higher temps. I went out this morning to pick up some groceries and as soon as you stepped outside, it felt like you were being suffocated. But to my surprise as I was driving down the road in my air-conditioned minivan, I saw a woman jogging…ugh, no thank you. Then later on I heard someone on the radio say that while there is a heat wave going on, … Continue reading

Spring Into Spring with an Outdoor Workout

With the weather warming up (at least in some places), you might consider moving your fitness routine outdoors. Whether it’s a bike ride around the neighborhood or a hike at your favorite state park, the opportunities to burn calories in the great outdoors are seemingly endless. If you enjoy soaking up the scenery while you sweat, then consider signing up for one of the following outdoor races being offered across the country this spring: April 4th–Pole Pedal Paddle (Jackson, Wyoming). Enjoy the Tetons as a backdrop for this skiing, biking and boating race. April 16-19–Sea Otter Classic. A biking competition … Continue reading

Bike Riding for Exercise and Pleasure

I mentioned a week or so ago that I finally got my bike. A friend sold it to me for just fifteen dollars. The bike was in great shape, but we took it to a bike shop for maintenance anyway. My husband picked it up from the shop on Saturday. The brakes are primed, the chain is clean and reset and the wheels are aligned correctly. I was excited to have the bike sitting here in my garage. Stomach Flu and Plans My daughter came down with a bout of stomach flu late on Friday and she spent most of … Continue reading

Outdoor Play – You remember what play is?

Too often as adults we forget about the simple joys. We forget what it’s like to just go out and play. When was the last time you went down a slide? What about ride on some swings? Have you pushed a merry go round to get it up to speed and just hopped on to laugh? Have you thrown the ball around, and laughed? Have you thrown a Frisbee for the dog or picked up a rock to skip stones across the calm pond? Have you jumped on your bike and taken a long ride along a winding trail and … Continue reading

Planning a Fitness Vacation

Spring is a time for new beginnings and launching action plans to achieve new ideals. What better way to kick off your spring than with a spring fitness vacation? The best way to plan for a spring fitness vacation is to coordinate around your Spring Break for your children if you have any. You may want to take a long weekend rather than a week long vacation to get started. Destinations that are fantastic for a fitness vacation include Lake Tahoe. The Tahoe area leaps to mind because there is so much that can be done there. Fitness vacations refer … Continue reading