Finding the Best Outlet Stores

Outlet stores can be a mixed bags. Some outlet stores offer goods at pretty much the same prices as the retail stores, while others offer amazing bargains. Here is how to find more outlet stores, including the best of the best. In order to identify the best outlets, you’ll need to know what to look for. You should be familiar with what is currently in style (or what your personal preferences happened to be), and you’ll need to know what things cost normally. Getting what you think is a great deal at an outlet only to find the same item … Continue reading

My New Outlet Shopping Tip

Friday my husband had the day off for the holiday, so we took a short trip over to Lancaster County, and among other things, visited the Rockvale Outlets. These outlets have some great family-friendly brand names, such as Disney, Carter and Stride-Rite, as well as fashion-friendly stores for the adults. We only had time to hit a few of the stores, but I learned a couple of new things about outlet shopping for this trip. Here is my best new tip. Think outside the store The first store I wanted to visit was the VF outlet. Healthtex, Vanity Fair and … Continue reading

Frugal Living Review: May 26th Through June 1st

Garage sale shopping has got to be one of the fun and frugal events that I look forward to experiencing when the weather turns warmer. Unfortunately, circumstances this weekend have prevented me from yard sale shopping, such as a rainy Saturday and the flu hitting our household. So, I have to live vicariously through you! Check out this past week’s articles for garage sale shopping tips, outlet shopping tips and the rest of the frugal week. May 26th Frugal Living Review: May 19th Through May 25th Did you have a good week? Ours was pretty good as far as being … Continue reading