How Do I Know If I Am Exercising Too Much?

I asked earlier: Have You Ever Heard of an Exercise Disorder? After writing it, it occurred to me that we could go into more detail on how you could know if you are exercising too much. Doctor Fassihi of the Menninger Clinic offers the following important clues that may help you answer the question: How Do I Know If I am Exercising Too Much? You cannot miss your workout, it doesn’t matter how you feel or what’s going on – you absolutely cannot miss it and if some act of Congress prevents you from doing your workout – the guilt … Continue reading

Oy, I Overdid It – Recovering from Surgery

Let me tell you, the most frustrating part of having had surgery is that as an active person it’s very difficult to sit around and do nothing. So, while I am smart enough to follow my doctor’s instructions, I’m also stubborn enough to push the envelope and today – I overdid it. 15 Minutes of Effort Currently, 15 minutes of physical effort leaves me weak and exhausted. If I take a shower for fifteen minutes, I take a 2-hour nap right afterwards. When I go for my designated 15-minute walk, well that’s another 2 hours I need to spend napping. … Continue reading