Personal Day from School?

Do kids need to take personal days from school? I was watching “The View” the other day and they were talking about an episode on the sitcom, “The Middle.” The young boy asked his parents if he could take a personal day. Well that sparked a conversation between “The View” ladies about children being overscheduled. Actually, I tend to believe that there are times kids do need to take a personal day. I don’t have any hard-and-fast rules when it comes to this. But if one of my children has been working hard and doing well in school and hasn’t … Continue reading

Kiddy Burn Out

My kids were burning out. After years spent carting them to and from activities, sports and enrichment opportunities, I admit I was burning out, too. Reflecting on this point in our lives and how we got here, I realized that I fell into the “socialization trap” that many fellow homeschoolers share: if you don’t get your kids out of the house, and often, they will be socially stunted for life! Although I know better, that little nagging voice is the motivation behind our overscheduled days. I can’t imagine carrying the schedule we have and also having my kids in school … Continue reading