The Right Scent May Help Fight Obesity

Your nose may be key in helping fight obesity. Aromatherapy isn’t anything new. For centuries, people have been using scents to affect mental and physical health! When it comes to your stomach, the right scent can stimulate appetite or help ease digestive issues. The wrong scent can put you off your feed, so to speak. A new study from NIZO Food Research in the Netherlands has found that scents may also help trigger a feeling of fullness in your brain — and that might just help curb overeating. Some scents are better than others at triggering that full feeling. Scents … Continue reading

Feeling Guilty About Thanksgiving? Seven Tips to Help Curb Holiday Overeating!

If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, I hope you had a lovely day full of good food and great family and friends. I also hope you have no regrets about your eating behaviors. Thanksgiving and other holidays tend to encourage bad habits. The meals are full of “special” foods we don’t get on a regular basis, so there can be a feeling that you NEED to overindulge because you’re not going to see it again for another year. Plus, there’s just SO MANY good foods to sample — you don’t want to insult the chefs by not filling your plate, right? … Continue reading

Too Much Turkey? Five Quick Remedies!

Thanksgiving Day is one holiday when overeating runs rampant. Let’s face it: most gatherings involve food in one way or another, but the Thanksgiving feast is the main event when it comes to pigging out. (Or should I say… turkeying out?) But before you eat your weight in turkey and then collapse onto the couch to watch football in a stupor, try these quick remedies to ease that overstuffed belly. Encourage gas… from either end. A loud belch or toot might not be polite for company, but it can ease the pressure in your over-full belly. Sip a fizzy drink … Continue reading

An Alzheimer’s Side Effect I Never Expected

I talk about Alzheimer’s disease a lot here in the Health Blog because it is slowly stealing my grandmother from us. When I’m faced with a problem, my first urge is research. I try to learn what I can (and when it is health related, share it here). So I’ve read a lot about Alzheimer’s disease — the different stages, the history, the treatments, and even some famous people who are dealing with it. But all my research didn’t warn us about this: as my grandmother has progressed through the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, she’s packed on a lot … Continue reading

Making Healthy Choices at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

For many people who watch what they eat on a daily basis Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that they throw caution to the wind and devour whatever their stomachs desire. Not my sister-in-law. In fact, she won’t eat a bite of turkey (or ham) today. Rather, she’ll fill her plate with samples of all of the fabulous side dishes that surround the sliced up bird. It’s not because she’s a vegetarian; rather she believes that she’s doing her body good by skipping the meat dishes and eating the lower calorie menu options. (To each her own I … Continue reading

Halloween Candy vs. My Stomach

I love Halloween. I love taking an idea and turning it into a costume. I love the groups of little kids dressed up and shouting “trick or treat” at the door. And of course… I love the candy. When I was little — you may remember this, too — there were all sorts of candy scares around Halloween time. Urban legends (and real news stories) of people doing very hurtful things to candy, like inserting pins or razor blades. I remember carefully checking each and every wrapper for suspicious holes, and being forced to throw out home-made treats. It was … Continue reading

Top Ten Hints that You May Have Overdone it on Thanksgiving

Which one of you has never overdone it on Thanksgiving? While I am far more careful about it these days, to avoid misery, I have indeed gone a little crazy in the past. It’s a common problem when there is so much delicious food around, especially when most of the items being served are offered but once or twice each year. For all those who indulged beyond the intended amount this year, don’t feel bad. Most of us have been there, probably more than once, and probably will be again. There are ways to tell if you have overdone it, … Continue reading

Is Your Marriage Making You Fat?

Your marriage is not making you fat. However, circumstances within your marriage can lead to weight gain. Cooking for your spouse and perhaps other family members can tempt you to eat more. You taste things as you cook, you want to eat the food you spent time and trouble to prepare, and it’s just easier to eat more when delicious aromas are floating through the air. It may also be more tempting to eat those comfort foods we all enjoy so much. As you cook your Mom’s or his or her mom’s favorite recipes, it just feels good. All that … Continue reading

Avoid Emotional Eating

The connection between feelings and food is a simple one. We were indulged as children and we indulge our children. It’s called emotional eating and while we may want to think we don’t do it – have you ever offered your child a cookie to stop their tears? A bit of chocolate to soothe some hurt feelings? Thinking about it, I know I’ve done it. I’ve used food for comfort for my daughter and for myself. Emotional eating is very common, especially during the holidays when stress and anxiety run high. My family marks get togethers with feasts. Christmas dinner, … Continue reading