Don’t Take On Too Much!

I know that I am running the risk of lecturing some brick walls here, but take it from someone who knows and who has definitely been there—as single parents, it is important that we don’t let ourselves take on too much! I’m serious. I know it seems a little silly to be trying to tell the very people who get used to running around with heapingly full plates to take it easy; and I’m not really giving you permission to let everything drop and NOT do all the tasks, obligations, and responsibilities that come with a single parent family—I’m just … Continue reading

Weight Training: Progression and Overload

We talked about exercise principles yesterday and the importance of doing it right the first time in order to promote your success. One of the principles we discussed was the concept of overload. I know from at least one reader’s note that I wasn’t exactly clear on what overload is, so today I want to talk about progression and overload. Overload Your body is designed to adapt to stress and to load. For example, when you’re pregnant, you get progressively heavier. You don’t go from being 1 month pregnant to 9 months pregnant overnight. This important because the progressive gain … Continue reading

Biggest Scrapbooking Mistakes – Buying Too Much

It’s a scrapbooker’s right to own and use all the latest and greatest products available. However, the problem is, when you buy all these great gadgets, gizmo’s and supplies, are you really using them all? What happens to a lot of scrapbookers, is that a few months or years down the road, we have an accumulation of supplies and products that we might never use again. As I’ve said before, my philosophy is that if you purchase a product, for every dollar spent, one layout has to be completed. Again, that means if I spend $15.00 on a fastener, I … Continue reading

Don’t Overload Your Kids

My daughter wants to take dance, gymnastics, swimming, karate and soccer lessons. Oh, she also wants to take a cheerleading class. The thought of enrolling in her all these different types of activities boggles the mind. I know she wants to do it. However, she is five years old and despite her seemingly boundless stores of energy, she can get burned out. It’s important to me to let her enjoy herself. I want her to be athletic. I want her to be competitive. But most of all, I want her to have fun and to enjoy herself. She takes two … Continue reading