Body Condition Checklist for Dogs and Cats

Back in January, I shared a not-so-deep, not-very-dark secret: Moose is a fat dog. I’m going to go so far as to say that he is obese. I stopped by the vet’s this week to pick up some refills on Frontline and Heartguard for my pups. And they gave me a couple of handouts to subtly remind me about Moose’s ever-growing girth. The folks at Iams estimate that as many as forty percent of all dogs and cats are overweight. And that’s not good. Sure, you might think your chubby pup is perfectly happy, but he’s also at risk for … Continue reading

Confessions of a Fat Dog Owner

I have a confession to make: my Moose is a fat boy. He’s a good 20 pounds overweight – though the vet tells me he should weigh around 75lbs, he tips the scales at 96lbs. I know this is bad for his health. I know this puts him at risk for hip displaysia, plus some of the same ailments overweight humans face like diabetes, arthritis, and cardiac disease. At least I’m not alone; a recent survey of British dog owners found that about a third of all dogs are overweight. This isn’t good! But I suppose it makes sense that … Continue reading