Reducing Air Pollution

Various kinds of air pollution can aggravate your allergies. Much of the pollution in the air comes from industrial sources and cars, but there are lots of things you can do on your own to help decrease air pollution. Small changes can make a big difference over time! Get your family involved! Here are some ideas for reducing air pollution at home: Use energy-efficient lights and appliances. Look for the Energy Star label to find the most efficient products. Recycle paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, and cardboard. Reuse materials — like plastic and paper bags or plastic containers — whenever possible. … Continue reading

Air Quality: Ozone

Ozone is one of the five major pollutants measured on a daily basis by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in order to determine the Air Quality Index. There are two kinds of ozone: good ozone and bad or ground ozone. The good kind occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere and helps shield us from ultraviolet rays from the sun. The bad kind is formed in the lower atmosphere, near ground level. Ground-level ozone is formed when pollutants from cars, power plants, boilers, refineries, and other sources react chemically to sunlight. Ground-level ozone is mainly a concern during the summer months … Continue reading

Air Quality

If you’re a regular Weather Channel watcher, you’ve probably seen reports about the air quality. Lots of different things contribute to air pollution — industrial pollution, driving, dry cleaning, and even using paint. These (and other) activities release gases and particles into the air and contribute to air pollution. DID YOU KNOW: The average adult breathes more than three thousand gallons of air every day! Children breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults do. Children and the elderly tend to be more sensitive to air pollution. Just like the weather, the air quality can change from day … Continue reading