Separation Anxiety: Lily

In a multi-dog family, you may see some very interesting relationships. My brother’s dogs, Kuma and Lily Biscuits, have a very close bond. Kuma is definitely the Boss Dog in the house. With just a look, she can send Lily running. Whatever Lily has, Kuma can pretty much take without consequences. But without Kuma around, Lily is pretty much lost. On Tuesday, Kuma spent the day at the veterinarian’s for some minor surgery. Lily was a wreck. She wouldn’t take a rawhide — normally her favorite treat! She sat on the couch, looking out the window most of the day, … Continue reading

Alpha Dogs

My brother’s dog Kuma is an alpha dog. She likes to demonstrate her dominance over her people by putting her chin higher than your chin. It’s kind of funny to get into a chinning match with Kuma! If your dog usually wins at tug-of-war with the other dogs, or steals and hoards toys and treats, she may be an alpha dog. Kuma is the most devious treat and stuffed toy stealer I’ve ever met. The other dogs let her take the things away because she is Boss Dog. Once she acquires her treasure, she’ll usually lay on them to keep … Continue reading