Affordable Valentine’s Day Crafts

Craft projects can really put a dent in your wallet, and with Valentine’s Day just a week away making your own Love Day gifts can really add up. While it cost less to go the homemade route, the key to saving as much money as possible is to stick with projects that feature affordable materials. The following kid-friendly Valentine gift can be made without breaking the bank: PAPER PLATE BEAR Materials: 2 large paper plates 1 snack-sized paper plate Card stock Markers or crayons Scissors Glue Tissue paper Green pipe cleaners Directions: Glue the 2 large paper plates together, to … Continue reading

Are Paper Plates Luxury Items?

Do you consider paper plates, paper towels, and other paper products to be luxuries? While many frugal consumers avoid such purchases, I for one believe they can be a good value. When purchased on sale, paper plates cost less than a penny per plate. Doesn’t it cost more than that to wash one plate when you consider gas or electricity for the water heater, the water itself, and the dish washing liquid used? This is one area in which my opinion probably differs greatly with other frugal folk. I enjoy the convenience of paper plates, especially when all four kids … Continue reading

Simple Crafts from Paper Plates

Lady Bug Place one paper plate face down. Paint the back black. Turn the second paper plate face down and paint it red. When dry, cut it in half. Color black circles randomly on the red sections, or cut circles from black construction paper or felt and glue them on. Cut a larger square from another paper plate and color it black (or cover it with black felt or paper). Staple the circle to the top of the black plate. This is the head. Cut a black pipe cleaner if half and staple the pieces onto the head as antennas. … Continue reading