Beware of Free Group Scams

While it is good to be frugal, more and more con artists are popping up to take advantage of people who are frugal. There is a lot of focus on frugality right now, and the bad guys know this. Be on the look out for free group scams, especially if you are new to the frugal living lifestyle. Free group scams are modeled after legitimate free, trading and sharing groups. The good groups let you give away items you don’t want for free, get items you need for free, and trade your existing non-wanted items for other items that you … Continue reading

High Value Strategies for Paperback Swap 3

We have been talking about getting the most value from being a member of Paperback Let’s continue with finding out how to get free or inexpensive books to trade. Finding Frugal Books to Trade The first place that you should look for books is in your own library. Pull out any books that you have already read and haven’t reread in at least five years. Chances are that you won’t get back to them anyway. Also pull out any books that you have owned for five years without once opening. Chances are that if you haven’t gotten to them … Continue reading

What to Do with De-Cluttered Books

Now that you have completed your book de-cluttering, what can you do with all of those books you are no longer keeping? (I have 27.) Here are some ideas. Find a new reader in a friend when you pass on your old treasures to be enjoyed by someone else. You can have a special box of books that friends can browse through when they visit, or simply e-mail them with the titles. Since books are inexpensive to mail by media rate, consider sending some to long distance friends as well. If you don’t have many friends with the same taste … Continue reading