Muppets Debut at Magic Kingdom Today

They’re characters who feel like an integral part of childhood for generations of kids growing up since the 60s. Some members of their extended family living on Sesame Street still hold a dear place in children’s hearts today, teaching them about reading, counting, and neighborly spirit every day on PBS. But overall, kids today don’t care as much about The Muppets. Disney’s finally starting to change that. The House of Mouse added a new wing for The Muppets in 2004, but has done little with the beloved characters since then. They’ve made a few television and direct-to-video appearances in the … Continue reading

What to Bring to a Fourth of July Parade 2

Are you all ready for your Fourth of July celebrations? I hope that you get the opportunity to visit a community parade. I’ve been sharing some items for items to bring to the parade to enhance the experience. Small candies: Small candies are great to have on hand to share with your parade neighbors. A secret stash of candy also helps if your children don’t happen to catch any of the candy that is thrown from the parade. Last year, we were at the end of the route and the candy from the floats had all been used up before … Continue reading

What to Bring to a Fourth of July Parade

Every year, we try to hit at least one fourth of July parade. These parades are fun and really give us both a sense of patriotism and community. In our old neck of the woods, when we lived in our smaller home with the postage-stamp yard, the town Independence Day parade went right past our home, literally. We simply got some lawn chairs out and pulled them up to the sidewalk before the parade started. Our neighbors would do the same. One neighbor always hands out Italian ice (or water ice as it is called here in Pennsylvania), while another … Continue reading

Where to Wave Your Flag this Fourth of July

Nothing says Fourth of July quite like a patriotic holiday parade. If you are hitting the highway to enjoy a family vacation this weekend you might consider stopping in one of the following cities to take in the sights and sounds of some of our nation’s most festive Independence Day parades. Grab the kids, a few lawn chairs and your miniature-sized flags and watch as Old Glory marches down Main Street. WISCONSIN—-Racine Fourth Fest Parade It’s billed as the largest Fourth of July parade in the Midwest and it takes place in tiny Racine, Wisconsin, which is nestled along the … Continue reading

Fourth of July Travel—-Everyone Loves a Parade

Can you really have an Independence Day celebration without a parade? Fourth of July parades are a part of the American tradition and on our country’s 232nd birthday you can view big bands, floats and flag waving veterans from coast to coast. If you are traveling out of town this holiday weekend check out the following list to see if a parade will be marching through your vacation destination: WASHINGTON, D.C.–America’s Independence Day Parade Considered the granddaddy of all Independence Day parades, this massive marching spectacle draws tens of thousands to sidewalk perches each year. The annual parade in our … Continue reading

Coming Together Around the Parade

The other day I wrote about how my teenagers still love to peruse the toy catalogs that come in the mail and the newspaper during this time of year, as the sun comes out on this frosty Thanksgiving morning and starts to melt away all the frost and ice, my kids and I have flipped on the television to rally around the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. This is one of those few bonding traditions that has somehow survived the years and changes and we can still manage to agree on the parade for a few hours on Thanksgiving Day. Traditions … Continue reading

Broadway Stagehands Strike Affects Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

You’d think it was the night before Christmas around our home given how excited my daughter is for tomorrow to “get here already.” She’s 3 years old and a huge Hello Kitty Supercute (the cape- and tiara-wearing feline superhero) fan. The same Hello Kitty that will be floating down Broadway Thanksgiving morning during the Macy’s Parade. Hello Kitty, Sesame Street’s fairy-in-training Abby Cadabby, and 12 other giant helium balloons will fill the skies over New York City tomorrow as part of the 81st annual parade. But besides the character balloons, 2,000 cheerleaders and 11 marching bands, the famous Turkey Day … Continue reading

Pop Culture Updates: Broadway Strike and Macy’s Parade

It’s official… Broadway stagehands are on strike. I blogged about their actions yesterday; however, at the time I used a mock scenario as an example of how the strike was affecting theatergoers. Then, last night on the news I saw video of the picket lines that went up at theaters around the Times Square area and heard the real-life heartbreaking tales of ticket holders who had traveled thousands of miles and spent hundreds of dollars for shows that went dark yesterday. One story that struck me was about a couple from Washington State who traveled to New York just to … Continue reading

Quirky Travel Attractions

What would you say if I told you that there was a place you could dine where your feet wouldn’t touch the ground during your entire meal? Interested? If I told you that it would require eating at a table suspended 165 feet in the air with chairs that swivel 180 degrees would you still be game? Then grab your appetites because the “Dinner in the Sky,” attraction is making its U.S. debut Monday in Orlando at the annual International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions convention. More than 25,000 industry insiders are expected to gather at the one-stop-shopping event, … Continue reading

Confession: Halle Berry

You’d think I would know better. After all, I spent 14 years as a television news reporter working under seven news directors who were all about ratings, ratings, ratings. Why then did I allow myself to get bamboozled? A couple of weeks ago I outlined a blog about Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry’s suicide attempt. Having read about it in Parade (you know the insert distributed in traditional newspapers) I figured it was legit. It turns out the information was accurate, but about 10 years old. So here I was set to write a blog about Berry’s confession and her … Continue reading