What is Spina Bifida, and Who is at Risk?

What is Spina Bifida? Every year, about 3,000 infants are born with spina bifida, a neural tube defect which occurs during the first month of pregnancy. The spinal column of an unborn child begins to form early, often before a woman even realizes she is pregnant. If the spine does not fuse together properly, it leaves the delicate nerves of the spinal cord exposed or damaged. This is spina bifida. In severe cases, there may be brain involvement, causing fluid on the brain and requiring a permanent shunt for drainage. Spina bifida typically causes varying degrees of disability, from partial … Continue reading

Stories That Inspire – Christopher and Dana Reeve

Christopher Reeve was my favorite actor long before he suffered his tragic horseback riding accident in May of 1995. As a young girl I was a huge fan of his Superman movies, and I still have a special love for the movie Somewhere In Time. The news that he was paralyzed was eye-opening, because it meant that all of us, even superstars, are susceptible to disability at any time. I remember personally feeling heartbreak over the information. Yet the way Mr. Reeve handled his paralysis with dignity and grace, smiling and promising dedication to research, gave hope to millions of … Continue reading