Supernanny Methods Don’t Work for Better Behaved Toddlers

I have blogged a few times on my own experiences with strong willed toddlers and my take on disciplining young children. I could essentially sum up my view in three words: consistency, clarity of expectations and patience. I feel that often times parents own discipline issues stem from their lack of clearly communicating the expectations and then consistently reinforcing the expectations with tangible consequence that, preferably, fit the crime. And of course we all need to be patient–we are after all dealing with toddlers whose tendencies are to test and try boundaries. This is one reason I’m not a fan … Continue reading

Getting Married in Florida?

We did, but our wedding took place before the Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act of 1998 went into effect. What is the Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act? Let the bill’s opening words answer that question for you: “Just as the family is the foundation of society, the marital relationship is the foundation of a family. Consequently, strengthening marriages can only lead to stronger families and children and communities as well as a stronger economy. An inability to cope with stress from both internal and external sources leads to significantly higher incidents of domestic violence, child abuse, absenteeism, medical costs, learning … Continue reading