2,000 Days

I wonder if the forest preservation people realize how much paper the average kindergarten class bleeds through in an academic year? I had the equivalent of at least a few hundred murdered trees stacked in my mock mud room courtesy of my just graduated kindergartener. Miles of worksheets interspersed with dozens of art projects, end of the school year autograph books (translation: scrap pieces of paper stapled to form a book with the names of each of my daughter’s classmates scribbled in kindergarten cursive), and mountains of registration material for everything from summer Bible camp to youth soccer sessions. Post … Continue reading

Before You Were Born – Nancy White Carlstrom

I confess, sometimes I’ll find a book that makes me blubber like a baby from beginning to end, and when I find a book like that, I know it’s a keeper. An example of this is “Before You Were Born,” a beautiful picture book that takes me back to my pregnancy with my daughter, who is my first-born, and all the hopes and dreams I had for her and how naïve I was to think that my life would not change all that much after I had children. I had no idea how much better my life would be. We … Continue reading