It’s Official She Relinquished

Visitations between Rebecca and her biological mother are over. The biological mother has agreed through mediation to voluntarily relinquish her parental rights to Rebecca. Now we have a mediated agreement in place but she still has to go to court to make it official. The CPS case workers have warned us that there is a chance that she could retract her agreement and that the mediation agreement is more of an honor agreement than a legally binding one. The court date was set for her to appear in front of a family court judge and tell him that she officially … Continue reading

We Agreed To Go To Mediation

During the last visitation between Rebecca and the biological mother she had a meeting with the case workers who told her they did not feel reunification was going to be an option as she has not complied with her reunification plan and neither had her husband. They asked if she would consider relinquishing her parental rights and she said she would not do that. During the visitation the case worker suggested we try mediation as a last ditch effort to avoid going to court to force her losing parental rights. We had agreed to mediation but it was up to … Continue reading