Getting Rid of Negative Thinking

No one would argue that being a parent is not a hard job but sometimes we make the job harder by “catastrophizing”. In her book, Even June Cleaver Would Forget the Juicebox author Ann Dunnewold says that catastrophizing is the tuning in to danger and thinking about the worst that could happen. It’s always imagining the worst-case scenario and never looking on the bright side. Parents who catastrophize worry constantly about “what-if’s”. We all worry about the safety of our family but these parents worry all the time and this worry hinders healthy family relationships. I remember when Tyler was … Continue reading

The Silent Baby

My baby doesn’t cry that often and she doesn’t really want me to play with her. In fact, most of the time she seems pretty content to just hang out by herself and play or watch the lights on the ceiling. As a mom, this would probably worry you if this is how your baby behaved. In fact, it seems like it is pretty atypical behavior for a baby to be this quiet and laid back. It would worry more than one parent to have a baby behaving in this fashion, but the fact is that no two babies are … Continue reading