Giving and Taking

As a parent of a teen it can sometimes feel like all you do is give, give, give.  In turn, your teen takes, takes, takes. Out of all the ages and stages of life, the teen years tend to be some of the most selfish.  You thought it was bad when your child was two or three years old and constantly screaming, “Mine!” Its one thing to declare a toy as “Mine!” and quite another when a teenager feels the world belongs to them and it should oblige their every whim.  Parents tend to be at the brunt of this. … Continue reading

Micromanaging Your Teen’s Life

Do you attempt to micromanage your teenager’s life?  What that really means is you are trying to control it.  Yet these are the years when we have to learn when to let go, when to start loosening the apron strings. This takes a lot of trust and for me, prayer.  It’s difficult to do.  You sometimes question whether you have done too much or not enough in letting go. At the same time, new freedoms must be earned.  The first day your teen gets his or her driver’s license, you don’t hand over the keys and say, “Have at it!”  … Continue reading

Don’t Be a Hypocrite

Has your teenager ever accused you of being a hypocrite?  Let me tell you something, they can detect it a mile away and they will usually be the first ones to point it out. If we were to get real, most of us would likely have to admit that we have been a hypocrite.  Maybe it’s telling your teenager that they shouldn’t do something because it’s not good for them, but then we do it. You might have told your teen it’s wrong to lie.  Yet two seconds later they hear you on the telephone telling a whopper.  Or you … Continue reading

Keep Conversation Natural, Not Forced

Have you ever tried to force a teenager to talk?  It’s usually not very productive, leaving both you and your teen to feel frustrated. It can also do the opposite of what you intend.  Instead of drawing you closer, it builds walls. So what’s the answer?  It is allowing conversations to happen in the natural course of events.  What happens naturally is so much sweeter than what you attempt to force. In case you are wondering what I mean by the natural course of events, let me first preface this by saying if there is something in particular going on … Continue reading

Living through Our Children

Do you know a parent who tries to live through their children?  Maybe you are that parent.  Can I give you some advice?  Stop. One of the most detrimental things we can do is attempt to mold them into the person we wished we had been.  These expectations put a tremendous amount of pressure on them, leaving them no room to be who they were meant to be. This was a lesson we learned as parents early on.  My husband has always been athletic, so when we found out our first child was going to be a son; he had … Continue reading

What Would You Do?

One of my favorite shows to watch with my teen daughter is “What Would You Do?” hosted by John Quinones.  These are staged scenarios in which you learn who will and who won’t get involved. We oftentimes talk about what we would personally do, had we been that in situation.  One doesn’t expect to get the opportunity to actually experience something similar but that’s just what happened last week.  The only difference is that it wasn’t staged. I had picked my daughter up from her driver’s education class and for some reason, without any thought to it, took a different … Continue reading

Does Happiness Lead to More Money?

They say money can’t buy happiness.  But could it be that happiness leads to more money? Apparently new research shows that the happier a teenager is, the more money earned in adult years.  These were the findings after following more than 10,000 teens in the U.S.for 10 years. Happier teens earned 10 percent more than the average person’s salary at 29 years of age. But the less happy teens earned 30 percent less. What made this study even more interesting is that the results were the same, even after taking into account other factors such as the teen’s gender, physical … Continue reading

Gift Giving for Teens

Black Friday…Cyber Monday.  It’s that time of year, the purchasing of Christmas gifts.  As a parent it can either be a stressful experience or easy-going. Here is something I have come to realize through the years.  You buy more when they are younger.  So that means more thought needs to be put into your children’s gifts.  You buy less as they get older.  But they also tend to be more expensive gifts. There is a part of me that misses shopping for toys.  It has become sort of boring, since the majority of the time my children want money.  Sure, … Continue reading

Fostering Teen Individuality and Independence

We all want to be who we want to be.  Most adults feel this way, so you can only imagine how true this is for teenagers. This is where individuality comes into play.  As parents we have to learn how to foster this.  At the same time, as our teens get older, we also need to foster independence.  They need to be ready for that time in which they leave home. As soon as you try to stifle a teen’s individuality or you don’t allow for healthy growth toward independence, you stand in the way of having a good relationship.  … Continue reading

St. Nick Tradition Continues

Tomorrow is one of my favorite times of the year, St. Nick.  I haven’t decided when my children will be too old for it.  But I can tell you that it’s not this year. With my oldest son in the military, I was originally going to keep everything in his stocking until he comes home for Christmas.  But I decided that instead I would mail him a stocking (not the one from home) filled with goodies. My children enjoy the bounty of candy that fills up their stockings.  But I also get them a gift card.  This year it is … Continue reading