Sneaky Ways to Reduce Your Preschooler’s Food Waste

I can be a sneaky, sneaky mama. However, when my daughter starts to eat a pear, takes a single bite all around the middle and then determines that she is finished, I despair. I don’t like wasting food. Here are a few sneaky ways that I avoid food waste. I cut things up. Cutting things up means that when my daughter eats half a pear, there is still half a pear for me to eat. It means that I get more logical about portion sizes, and that is always a good thing. While I may be the odd mom who … Continue reading

The End of the Day Blues

If you’re a parent who works outside the home, how do you deal with the end of the day with a preschooler? The end of the day is a rough sort of time, especially if your preschooler no longer naps. Perhaps you pick up your preschooler from relatives or from a child care center. Maybe your preschooler is at home with a nanny. You arrive home. The house is in various stages of disarray. Dinner needs to get on the table, likely half an hour before the present time. Your child is whining and needs you to undo her shoes, … Continue reading