Disneyland Paris Turns 15

I remember when Disneyland Paris first opened. Can it really be 15 years ago? Apparently so! Although, much younger than Disneyland in California and Disney World in Florida, Disneyland Paris has made it’s mark on the social landscape and become a destination for millions from around the world. The birthday celebration comes at a time when Disney is also celebrating it’s Year of a Million Dreams and the fan-favored Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End is set to premiere. I get excited just thinking about it! Euro Disney S.A.S. Chairman and CEO Karl L. Holz said: For 15 years, … Continue reading

Children’s Literature – Little Miss Liberty and Adele & Simon

Quick reviews of two wonderful kids’ books that my family is enjoying right now. Both are set primarly in Paris, France and are a joy to read aloud to a toddler. Little Miss Liberty by Chris Roberston Chronicle Books, 2005 Buy today from Amazon.com for only $4.99! You may be surprised to learn that before she climbed up onto her pedestal in the middle of New York Harbor, Lady Liberty was just a little kid growing up in Paris, France who had loving parents, went to school and loved to eat and read. All of it is true, at least … Continue reading

Frugal Lessons: Eiffel Tower Is Turning Off Its Lights

On Thursday evening, the Eiffel tower will go dark, turning off its light for five minutes to save energy. The reason for this is to bring attention to the issue of global warming. This frugal move will extinguish, at least temporarily, the more than 20,000 flashing lights on the Eiffel Tower. The lights will all be shut off just hours before a long-anticipated report on the seriousness of global warming. According to the Associated Press, “The darkening of the landmark in the City of Light comes at the urging of environmental activists and is timed to coincide with Friday’s release … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Travel Deals

What could be more romantic than spending Valentine’s Day in Paris with your sweet amore? Not that you need a reason to jet off to The City of Lights, but if visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and all the outdoor cafes is not enough to sway your loved one to make the trip, perhaps this bit of news might do the trick: Paris City Hall just announced it will operate a new free bicycle service in the capital. By doing so Paris joins other European cities such as Amsterdam in making thousands of bikes available for free to commuters, … Continue reading

Jumped by Pickpockets

Everyone traveled all over the world in my office. Three of my colleagues had told me of incidents they had experienced with pickpockets in Paris. I was in Paris at least once a month and I was careful, or at least I thought I was. During this time, my wife, two of our grown children, and I flew to Paris from Houston. In those days, we had a lot of frequent flyer miles. We arrived early in the day and checked into our hotel. We immediately set out to see the sights. We were walking in a tunnel between two … Continue reading