How to Find a Fitness Partner

We’ve talked about fitness partners before. The simple truth is some people enjoy working out on their own (I’m one of those) and some people really need and do better when they have a fitness partner to motivate and keep them focused. Now, truth be told, I’ve only had a fitness partner twice before. The longest partner was named Leslie and she and I worked out together for about 9 months. She was fantastic. She kept me on my toes, she challenged me to push a little further each time and she could make me laugh when I felt like … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Consider Partner Training

What is partner training? If you’re thinking that it means you and your co-worker, you and your neighbor or just you and a friend working out together every day, you’d be close. Partner training is a system of checks and balances where you both provide and receive validation of your exercise program and someone to keep you on your toes and performing it. There are a lot of good reasons to partner train and we’re going to talk about the 10 best reasons. 10. Partner training doesn’t usually involve financial investment. You can power walk together every day, you can … Continue reading