Predetermining Choices in Marriage

When one person makes most of the choices regarding the wedding, a pattern for the marriage can be set up. In your marriage does one partner determine the marriage choices? Did one person determine where you would live? Or was it a joint decision? It may not be as big a decision as that. It may be in myriad little decisions, like what you do in your free time, what you watch on TV, or what movies you see. Marriage is about give and take. Marriage is a blending together of two people with sometimes different tastes to make one … Continue reading

Understanding Legal Business Structure—Part Two—a Partnership

I wrote earlier today about how to understand what a sole proprietorship is and evaluate whether or not this is the legal structure for your home business. Since we are focusing on legal business structures, it seemed the next logical type to discuss is the “partnership.” While sole proprietorships are the easiest form of business to start and more common for small, home businesses—partnerships are a possibility too. The basic requirement for a partnership is that you have a partner! This means another individual with whom you go into business with. You do not have to be equal partners or … Continue reading

Don’t Allow Kids To Divide and Conquer

Kids from single parent households do not hold the monopoly on trying to divide parents into two different camps and play them against each other to get what they want. BUT, it is so much easier when your parents are not on the same page anyway! Kids from divorced or separated families have a ready-made situation where they can fan the flames of discord and try to get what they want by playing their parents against each other. But, you can me more savvy and NOT let your child play the divide and conquer game. Of course, thwarting your child … Continue reading