Are you really “multi-tasking” – or just doing several things poorly all at once?

If you’ve worked from home for awhile now, you’ve probably come to recognize that time management is key. I am the multi-tasking queen. Once, I managed to talk to a customer, change a diaper and pour bubble bath solution into a running tub all at once. Pretty impressive, huh? Not really. The problem with multi-tasking is that you really aren’t paying enough attention to the tasks at hand. While you might feel like you are getting a lot done, your children are getting short-changed (pardon the pun) while you are talking on the phone, and your customer is getting poor … Continue reading

Put a fork in me….

I’m done. I threw in the towel. Elvis left the building and the fat lady has sung. I quit. I never thought I would utter those words (or type them for that matter). While I am not proud of being a quitter…it just feels right this time. Allow me to rewind a few months. I used to be a direct sales Director with a large downline team. Each month my paycheck and my business continued to grow. Much like Andre Agassiz and Michael Jordan, I quit in my prime – only I left for a very different reason. It was … Continue reading

Direct Sales – Funny Excuses for Cancelling a Party

If you’ve never been involved in a Party Plan business, you may not be able to relate to the “kiss of death” feeling direct sellers often get when they make their final hostess coaching call only to hear….”errrr…ummmm…”….followed by an excuse for canceling the pre-planned show. Usually the cancellations are legitimate – a child is sick or a family emergency, but the best excuses are often concocted on the spot. Sometimes it’s hard to find humor in a canceled show. We planned ahead, we hired a sitter, we may have even canceled a family event to hold the show. It … Continue reading