Last Minute Holiday Party

So, suddenly people are dropping hints about how it might be nice to get together over the weekend, before Christmas. All eyes seem to be staring at you. Or, maybe the kids have decided that they’d like to have a little party, since they won’t see some of their school friends during Christmas break. With all that you have to do, you may be thinking you can’t pull it off. Sure you can! Just keep it simple. Start calling people right away to invite them. Let them know it’s going to be casual. Have a “white elephant” gift exchange, so … Continue reading

A Few Fourth of July Party Planning Tips

Holiday parties and picnics can be a lot of fun. They are even more relaxing when you’re organized and have a plan. There are a few little things you can do to help make things go smoothly. Start by preparing your yard if you intend to entertain outdoors. Cut the grass and if you intend to use a product to prevent pests, use it in advance. Then, begin setting up tables and chairs. You’ll be able to see if insects are drawn to the seating area. If so, and if you don’t really have another good spot, you might want … Continue reading

Social Host Liquor Liability (Are You Having A Party?)

Car crashes are the number one cause of death for Americans between the ages of 4 and 34. There were 41,821 people killed in automobile crashes in the United States during the year 2000 with 16,653 (nearly 40%) of those wrecks involving alcohol use. The Holiday season is one of the most deadly times of the year to be out on the highways, or even in our own neighborhoods. If you will be, hosting a Holiday Party and serving liquor in your private home you might want to be sure you understand your responsibility and legal liability when it comes … Continue reading

Room Mom Fun

I’m a room mom for a lot of reasons. It gives me a chance to be in my children’s classrooms, to get to know their teachers and classmates. It’s a way of sharing my children’s school day that’s fun. I also enjoy the chance to meet and work with the other parents. Planning a party for a class is always a challenge for me. I want the kids to have a great time but without getting over excited and loud. I want to give them a chance to do something creative without making a huge mess in the classroom. I … Continue reading

Spending for a toddler party!

My daughter’s birthday is today. She is three years old. (How did that happen?) When I first started planning her party I wanted to only invite a few other children, so we could keep it low budget low key. It didn’t work out that way. First I have to invite my friends with young children, then I had to invite her friends, then the kid from church and the boy from my gym and well, before I could sing Happy Birthday, I’d invited eight children and their parents and well, I’ve got thirty people coming now including adults and children. … Continue reading

Inexpensive Birthday Party Ideas

With Tyler’s birthday fast approaching it’s time for me to get into final planning mode. He’s really excited about turning six and not so much concerned about having a party, which is fine with me. I have promised him $50 dollars and a trip to Toys R Us to spend it. Other than that we will probaby keep things really, really simple. If you have an upcoming party to plan and are looking for ideas, especially those that won’t send you to the poor house, I have a few tips you may be able to use. I found them in, … Continue reading

Planning A Large Family Reunion

Large family reunions come in two categories. The first is a reunion with a large number of people attending and the second is a reunion held at an expensive destination such as Disneyland or other resort. Large Group Reunions that a large number of people are going to attend are especially challenging. This type of reunion takes a lot of planning to make it successful. It is typically a day event with families having the option to stay longer at their own expense if they choose to. Invitations can get really expensive when you have to mail them to one … Continue reading