Can You Really Start a Home Business for Less Than a Latte?

If you are considering starting your own home based business, I am sure you’ve heard the following phrases more than a few times. “Start your business for $199”. “Everything you need to get started for $10.00”. “Join today and start for free”. While many home-based companies offer a “starter-kit” of some sort that will help you launch your business, they also fail to mention all of the other expenses that will inevitably involved. Wouldn’t you love to read a truthful ad for once? “Start your own home business for $199″ (plus advertising costs, high-speed internet access, telephone service, business attire, … Continue reading

A Lesson from “Jane” – What NOT to do as a Direct Sales Person

I’ll never forget the day I told my family members that I was joining a direct selling business. “You are doing WHAT?” they asked…clearly stunned. Quite honestly, I think they would have taken the news better had I told them I’d quit my job as a social worker to become an exotic dancer. I used to wonder why many people had such negative opinions of the direct selling industry until I met “Jane”. This summer I set a booth up at a local craft fair for my business. Jane was in the booth next to me. She sprayed perfume on … Continue reading

Is it Time to Start Planning for Summer?

It is freezing outside and it has been for over a week. My kids are going crazy and I am suffering from a severe case of cabin fever myself. My tables are covered with paint, play dough, googly eyes, toilet paper rolls, beads and other odds and ends I’ve thrown in front of my kids to keep them from destroying my home. All day, I kept thinking, “I wish it was summertime”. I have fond memories of last summer when we played outside most of the morning. My kids were completely worn out by noon (and so was I) so … Continue reading

A Few Tips to Prevent Total Devastation When Your “World” Comes Crashing Down

It seems that every week I am learning about the closure of another direct selling company. While to most people, it may not seem like a big deal, I know firsthand what it is like to put your heart, your soul, your goals and your dreams into a home based endeavour. When I joined my first direct selling company a few years ago, I was in the process of completing my Master’s degree in Education. While I never planned to make a career out of selling products for that particular company, my eyes were opened to a world of entrepreneurship … Continue reading

Direct Sales – The Ups..the Downs…the Ups..and the Downs

I have been a sales leader in the direct selling industry for five years now with two widely popular companies. While the products and businesses I represented were dramatically different, one aspect of the business never changed. Direct sales is a business of ups, downs, ups…and downs. If you are unfamiliar with the direct sales industry (specifically party plan businesses) let me share one of my typical weeks with you. Monday = A new prospect called from the weekend expo. She sent in her contract to join. Woo Hoo. Tuesday = My party hostess canceled tonight at the last minute. … Continue reading