Kids and Simple Gardening

Even if you don’t have a lot of space, indoors or out, you and your kids can put together a small container garden. Even if you just do one or two plants, your kids are likely to think it’s pretty cool. Herb Gardening You can get your kids started with a small herb garden. It isn’t difficult and your kids will have fun with it. Another good thing about growing herbs is that they do not usually take long to begin sprouting. Your kids will get to see some results before too long, so herb gardening may keep their interest … Continue reading

Is Your Spouse Stubborn when it comes to Health?

Does your spouse have any medical conditions that he or she tends to ignore or tries to downplay? If your husband or wife comes down with a bug, does he or she resist going to the doctor until there is no choice? Many people do not like to go to the doctor. Some even feel it is a sign of weakness, and they insist on toughing it out. Some just don’t like the vulnerability of being sick and attempt to go on as if nothing is wrong. It may also be a way to mask fear if an illness is … Continue reading