Paycheck to Paycheck

These days, it is not uncommon to meet people who live paycheck to paycheck. It is also not uncommon to see these people and others living on only one income, and still paycheck to paycheck. So how in the world do you wind up saving money when you are living this way? It takes some serious energy, first and foremost. It requires a positive attitude, and both minor and major adjustments. Budgeting The first step in trying to live paycheck to paycheck is simply to budget. You will need to keep track of your purchases and bills for at least … Continue reading

FAQs for Sunlark Research

Lark has told me that she tends to get the same questions over and over again about her company, so I thought it would be beneficial if I posted a sort of FAQ for Sunlark. Please know that these answers are only guaranteed to be true for Sunlark–things may be very different with Wolfgang or AMD. Having said that, here goes: Do I get paid through your company? Yes. We pay weekly by direct deposit into your checking account. We used to use PayPal, but the fees were higher, and people were having to wait longer for their money (since … Continue reading