Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is often a result of more than one health issue. Treating just one problem may not relieve your chronic pelvic pain. Dealing with your chronic pelvic pain starts with finding the right doctor. Chronic pelvic pain involves several body systems: the bladder, the colon, the uterus, and more. It may be difficult to find a pelvic pain specialist in your area. Ask your regular doctor or gynecologist for a referral, look into local teaching hospitals, or do some research online. If you don’t have a specific diagnosis yet, try starting with the International Pelvic Pain Society. If … Continue reading

What Causes Chronic Pelvic Pain?

Approximately fifteen percent of women in America suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Sitting, walking, going to the bathroom, and even certain clothes can be incredibly painful for women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Doctors have recently realized that chronic pelvic pain is often caused by more than one problem. Treating just one cause may not solve the problem of chronic pain. Here are some of the most common causes: Endometriosis — a condition where cells that are similar to the lining of the uterus migrate and break down during your monthly menstrual period. If you have endometriosis, you may … Continue reading

Adenomyosis: My Story Part #1 When Normal Is Different

When my symptoms first started it was easy to consider what was happening as something to be expected. My wonderful sister’s-in-law, long-time-friends, and any woman just slightly older suggested what was happening me–might be “The Change!” After all they had all been told by their gynecologists that they needed hormone replacements and were going through early stages of menopause when they were my age. Some were even younger! So for a long time, I just thought this was what early menopause was like. Never knowing when that time of the month might be. Feeling cramps and horrible discomfort with little … Continue reading