Why Waste Time Hating?

How can feeling hateful be such a natural emotion and still be so bad for us? It is hard sometimes not to hate someone or hate a situation or something that has happened in our past, but the truth is, holding on to that hate only hurts us and is a waste of valuable time. Surely hate is not the sole challenge for a single parent, but holding on to hateful feelings and/or resentment can definitely keep us from moving on and being happy. If you have been through a painful and horrendous divorce, or have been hurt by an … Continue reading

Take Time to Figure Out What You Really Want & Need

To read what I have written about single parents and dating, you would think I am a curmudgeon and down on the whole scene. I really am not at all, I am just a bit seasoned from years of living and single parenthood. One of the things I do believe about single parents and dating is that a person can really take advantage of the status of “single hood” to figure out what he or she really wants or needs in a partner, and in their life as a whole. We don’t need to be in a big rush to … Continue reading

Sometimes, It’s Tough Being Different

Remember when you were a kid and your parents asked you that proverbial parental question: “If everyone else jumped off a cliff would you jump too?” The point, of course, was that it should be okay to be different and march to one’s own drummer. However, sometimes being “the” single parent can make a person feel a bit out of place. AND, it can be tough on our kids too. What single parent hasn’t cringed over the “family tree” assignment of one of those days in school when the presence of two parents (or the non-present, non-involved parent) is requested? … Continue reading

Fitness & Your Personal Choices

Your sense of personal choice has more to do with your exercise and fitness program than any other thing. Why, you might ask? Simply put, because fitness is a choice that we make. You can read all the studies and reports in the world that advise you to exercise. You can listen to your doctor tell you that you need to exercise and you can listen to your friends, your family and even me tell you how fun it can be, how great it could be and every other story on the planet. But. Yes, you knew there was a … Continue reading