Mama Knows Best?

As parents, especially parents of young kids, we have a tendency to think that we know what’s best for our kids. If we are cold, we figure they have to be cold also and we dress them accordingly. The reverse is true. If we’re hot they can’t possibly be cold. I have this one nagging habit that I know Tyler probably hates. Sometimes, when we go out to eat I will veto his food choices because I feel confident that he won’t eat it. Yesterday for instance, it was his birthday and he and his father and I went out … Continue reading

How to Always Win The Argument

The best way to win the argument is to not participate in it. I’m serious. When you and your spouse argue and allow anger to flourish between you – chances are you’re going to bring up a lot of problems that you either still resent or that were not resolved previously. The minute you open that can of worms, you’ve both lost the argument, because you’re allowing ill feelings to invade your marriage. Now does this mean couples should never argue? Maybe – but you can disagree without arguing. You can air out your feelings without arguing. You can debate … Continue reading

Why Aren’t You Exercising?

Tell me, do you exercise? Physically that is? We can all exercise our good judgment and our bad judgment. We can stretch our reason and we can outrun our obligations if we try. But my question is why aren’t you exercising? Do you have a solid, medical reason to not exercise? If you need a few moments, I can wait. The truth is, no matter how great our excuses are, unless we are physically impaired or disabled, we don’t have a good answer for why we aren’t exercising. Now before you think I am pointing fingers at anyone, I am … Continue reading