Why Exercise At All?

This is a question that everyone asks himself or herself sooner or later. We may ask ourselves this when we’re tired, we’re overwhelmed, we’re stressed or when we’re just getting busier and busier. The thing is, the times when we ask the question: why exercise at all? is usually the time we need to exercise most of all. We Exercise for a Variety of Reasons Our reasons for exercising are as varied as the individuals who exercise. So if there are a variety of reasons, the important thing to ask yourself right now is what do you value most in … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Worth

Always try to treat your spouse in a way that makes him or her feel like a person worthy of great esteem. When you love somebody, their sense of worth should be just as important to you as your own. Remember that this person you share your life with is a unique and wonderful individual with exceptional qualities. If not, you wouldn’t have married him or her. Also remember that you are just as exceptional and that you are worthy of love and happiness. You are not “nothing” without your spouse, no matter how great a team the two of … Continue reading