Are You Magnifying Your Child’s Faults?

There are so many different ways that we can all get trapped in errored thinking. Even those of us who have done a great deal of personal work and who are determined to be good parents, we can have thought patterns and bad habits that can influence how we interact with our kids and our effectiveness as parents. One of the problem ways of thinking can be if we look at our children and believe that their faults are bigger (or there are more of them) than there actually are. I am quite certain that you have done this with … Continue reading

What is the Worst Thing that Could Happen?

Do you say “No” because that seems like the appropriate parental response? Limit-setting, saying “No” and trying to stop our children from doing ill-advised things is a big part of the parent’s job. Still, I think it helps sometimes to ask myself if I am saying “no” because that really is what is warranted, or am I doing it out of habit? Occasionally, I ask myself what really is the worst thing that could happen and I find that maybe the battle is not worth fighting. For example, if you child goes outside in a summer rainstorm, will she really … Continue reading

Taking Yourself Too Seriously

Business is a serious matter and taking the leap and running one’s own home business can feel like the most serious thing in the world! However, taking ourselves too seriously as we go about running our home businesses can be a mistake. After all, how rigid and stern can we be when we could be coming across as relaxed and happy to our prospects, customers and clients? I believe that taking ourselves far too seriously is a surefire way to court frustration in our business operations. Having a healthy ability to laugh at ourselves and some of the mishaps that … Continue reading

Are You Controlling Your Business? Or is it Controlling You?

Of course we cannot always be in control—especially with our home businesses. Not to mention, there is a big difference between maintaining some elements of control and being controlling (or a control freak.) Still, I do think it helps to ask ourselves if we are in control of our home business operations…or if our businesses are actually controlling us? Can you set parameters around your business and stick to them? Do you have general operating hours or do you take calls at any time of the day or night? I think that having some basic boundaries around a business can … Continue reading

Letting Things Happen in Your Business

We talk a great deal here in the Home Business blog about control and organization–how to build and shape and encourage growth in our business operations. In reality, sometimes even our home businesses have an organic process of their own and they need us to get out of the way so that they can develop and grow in the direction they are meant to. I know this might sound a little “new age” for some of you who have strong ideas about how to build and shape a business, but I do think there is such a thing as energy … Continue reading

Praise Children for Things They Have Control Over

We know as parents that praise and encouragement are important. In fact, most of us have learned the lessons of building our child’s self-esteem through those positive, encouraging words. What might be a bit confusing, however, is how WHAT we praise can really make a difference in how our children benefit from those words of praise. Praising effort is more encouraging for a child than to praise the outcome. When you encourage a child for working hard, trying, and being persistent—you are encouraging them in the process and not focusing on whether they win, lose, or what the outcome is. … Continue reading

One Instance Does Not Make a Behavior Problem

As a parent there are so many times when we do not know if we do are doing or saying the right thing with our kids, or whether or not they are developing bad habits or behavior problems. When I am chatting with other parents, they often express concerns at an instance that happens with their kids and worry that it is indicative of something major. I think we need to remember that one (or even two) instance does not necessarily mean something huge is going on. A temper tantrum at the supper table, or a power struggle in the … Continue reading

Why No One Thing Should Be My Whole Life

I am sure you have heard people say things like: “My job is my life” or “My children are my whole life.” While in most cases, I think they are just trying to stress how important and strongly committed they are to their job, spouse, kids, cats, etc. I think there really are strong reasons NOT to make one thing one’s entire reason for living… I have made no bones about the fact that I am a dedicated mom–I LOVE being a mother and it is a central, grounding reality to my life and it has been for nearly two … Continue reading

There is More Than One Side to Every Story

As much as I would like to think that I am perpetually right or that my perspective is correct, I also know that things look different depending on what side of the fence a person is standing on. For single parent families, it seems we can be so tempted to draw a line in the sand and assume that our side is “right” while the other side is “wrong.” Alas, there are usual multiple sides to every story—and as many “sides” as there are individuals involved. It is not always easy for me to remain neutral when it comes to … Continue reading

When Your Thinking Gets Skewed

Clear mind or cloudy mind? How do you know if you are seeing things clearly or if your objectivity is being influenced and tainted by other things? Are you letting past experiences skew your thinking? Or is your child creating a bit of a stir and keeping you from seeing things clearly? Do you have such emotional reactions to things that you are having a hard time figuring out what to do? Sometimes, it is important to give yourself a time out and try to get out of the midst of the fog and clouds in order to get that … Continue reading