The Big Move

Cole did enjoy all of the stacked boxes during the move. Between Christmas and New Year’s my husband and I moved from our apartment into our first house. The move was only across town so we didn’t have far to go, but we knew that the distance wouldn’t make much difference to our pets. We especially anticipated Cole needing at least several days to adjust to our new home, as he’d loathed an afternoon trip to a friend’s house during a flea bombing. However, this time Cole was feeling so off-balance that he wanted even more reassurance that he did … Continue reading

Pressure Treatment

The Thundershirt from my last pet blog made me start to wonder about pressure as a treatment for dog anxiety. As I said, I’d never heard of the practice before, so I’m curious as to whether or not it’s a legitimate calming method or something made up by Thundershirt salespeople. After spending a while researching the topic, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Multiple searches using varied forms of the phrase “pet anxiety pressure treatment” resulted in page after page only talking about the subject specifically in relation to selling the Thundershirt. I’m ready to consider the “pressure as … Continue reading