Beyond the Bowl: Accessorizing

What happens when something like a simple drinking bowl evolves beyond function into fashion? It invites accessorization, of course! After all, once you’ve got the perfect drinking bowl (and, naturally, accompanying food bowl), you’ll want to show it off. First and foremost, let’s assume you’ve picked out the perfect bowl set. What are you going to place it on? That’s right, a placemat! Some dog bowl sets come with coordinating placemats. Most are made of easy-to-clean vinyl, but there are other options. Maybe you have regular people placemats just sitting in a drawer somewhere that never get used. Why not … Continue reading

From Functional to Fashionable: The Best Drinking Bowl for Your Pet

Once upon a time, the premise of a fashionable drinking bowl for a pet would’ve seemed ludicrous. Many would have said, “It’s just a cat or dog for crying out loud. Put some water in a spare bowl and be done with it.” Thank heavens for the craftsmen who understand that our pets are family. We enjoy pampering them, especially when it comes to things they use all the time. So it makes perfect sense drinking bowls have evolved from spare bowls into so much more. [h]The Good Old-Fashioned Bowl[/h] Certainly a spare bowl will work just fine. But if … Continue reading