Love Your Pet but Not the Cost? How to Reduce the Cost of Raising Your Best Friend

Have you ever taken the time to calculate how much your furry or feathered friends are costing you each month? There is food, vet care, that regular application of flea and tick protection, grooming fees, litter or bedding, and of course toys, treats and equipment such as carriers, cages and the like. Depending on where you live and how eco-friendly or upscale you want to go with food and supplies, expect to pay up to $1,500 for a cat and $2,000 for a dog during the first year. Rabbits, hamsters, birds and fish are somewhat less expensive. Let us take … Continue reading

Pet Insurance

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about pet insurance. Maybe because of all the money we’ve had to fork out for Murphy’s paw surgery. Except, I’m not sure if pet insurance would have covered it. I’m not that well versed in the various pet insurance policies out there. But I keep seeing them advertised, so I thought I’d check into it a bit more. Besides, it makes a great article for the Pets Blog! Types of Pet Insurance Policies Who has them and where can you get them? Below is a list of some of the pet insurance providers I … Continue reading