Grooming Doom Resumed

As close to the outdoors as he wants to get Recently we introduced Chrestomanci to outdoor grooming sessions. He was tense in my arms as I carried him into the front yard, but no worse than Cole usually is so I didn’t think anything of it. I should have. As soon as I placed him on the grass for my husband to brush, he bolted. Chihiro immediately took off after him. My husband ran after Chrestomanci, while I grabbed the dog and put her inside. While I doubt she was the sole or even a main reason why Chrestomanci ran, … Continue reading

Grooming Doom

The sulk face Yesterday evening was a dreaded night in our home, one that left my husband and me stewing in the heavy reproach that afterward permeated throughout the house. We’d perpetrated grooming night. Because each of our pets makes such a fuss, albeit in their individual ways, about grooming we figure it’s easier to do it all at once. They each get their coats brushed and nails clipped all in one go. Lately we’ve been doing the former outside, which keeps our hardwood floors cleaner and the house freer of dander allergens. It’s this outdoors grooming that really upsets … Continue reading

Cleaning Around Your Pets

I was changing the sheets on my bed when Lally (my boxer/shar-pei mix) decided to help… by jumping into the middle of the bed. I gave her a gentle push off the bed, and she jumped right back up. This is fun! Pets can make even the most routine household chores more entertaining, and more challenging. I feel like my apartment is in a constant state of disarray — simply because of all the hair! Here are some tricks I’ve come up with over the past few years to help keep things clean. Change your sheets every week — especially … Continue reading

Nutrients Your Pets Need

It isn’t easy to decipher the list of ingredients on your pet food labels. Knowing what nutrients your pets need can help you understand what you’re feeding your dog or cat. Proteins are the building blocks for cells, tissues, and organs. Proteins are made up of two types of amino acids: essential amino acids (which cannot be synthesized by your pet’s body) and non-essential amino acids. Animal-based proteins like chicken, lamb, beef, fish, and egg provide essential amino acids for your pets. Vegetables, cereals, and soy can provide some amino acids, but not all of the essential amino acids your … Continue reading

Involving the Whole Family in Pet Care

You probably know somebody in this sort of situation — the kids begged for a pet, promised to take care of the pet, but it is the parents who end up doing most of the caretaking? If this describes you, you’re not alone! Regardless of what age your kids are, there are ways to get them involved (and keep them involved) in the care of the family pets. Assigning tasks that are age-appropriate will help everyone stay involved. Toddlers won’t be TOO much help — you can’t really leave a toddler to feed the cat or walk the dog. That … Continue reading