You Know You Work With Animals If…

With apologies to that Jeff Foxworthy guy, I saw a list of “how you know you’re a vet tech” today. Some of the things made me giggle; others made me go “huh?” But then, I’m not a vet tech. But I was inspired to start my own list: you know you work with animals if… You pluck shed tufts or pick eye goobers off other people’s pets. I’m guilty of this one all the time. I can’t resist picking those eye goobers! You measure your own pets’ food very carefully. Since I started at the cats-only boarding facility, I’ve gotten … Continue reading

The Joke’s on Me!

Fellow pet owners, you’ve probably run into this one before: the moment when your pet makes you look like a fool. I had mine on New Year’s Eve. I had to work on New Year’s Day, so I wasn’t planning to go out on New Year’s Eve. But I did invite a few friends over to help me ring in 2008. We had a good time laughing and talking, playing with the dogs, and feasting on snacks. I was telling the story of how my dogs joined the family. Lally was a stray; I adopted her from a Vermont shelter … Continue reading

Miko’s Personality Flaw

Four years ago today, my dog Miko passed away peacefully in his sleep. I’ve mentioned him here before — his adventures at the dog park, how he picked me out at the shelter, and our last days together. He was a great dog, full of personality and so very smart. He dazzled the family with tricks from the first night he was home. But if he had one flaw, it was in his digestive tract. When Miko was nervous… man that dog could pass gas! We first noticed it in his first few months with us. Miko could clear a … Continue reading

Amazing Wake Up Calls

I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon — hadn’t slept well Saturday night — under just about perfect conditions. There was a light breeze coming in through the open window and the blinds were closed enough to keep the sun out of my eyes. And then my dog Lally stepped on my head. The one drawback of liking to sleep with the windows open and feel a breeze on my face is that my bed is directly under the windows. Lally’s favorite place to look out when there’s a weird noise out front is from my bed. (Her second favorite … Continue reading

Moose vs. The Vacuum

Most days, it stands quietly in the corner. It’s not looking for trouble; it’s not looking for a fight. But sometimes… with a mighty roar… it attacks the carpet and all those who might rest upon the floor. Ah yes. The evil vacuum cleaner. Many dogs run in fear at the very sound of the vacuum cleaner. My Lally does — if she’s feeling especially brave, she’ll peek into whatever room I’m cleaning just to make sure I’m safe. As soon as the vacuum gets too close… she’s gone again. But Moose… brave, bold Moose… it is his mission in … Continue reading