Pet Mouse Feeding

Your pet mice need a balanced diet in order to be healthy, playful, and happy. In fact, their diet needs much of the same basics a human diet needs! Your mice need carbohydrates: this is basically the main portion of the mouse diet. Whole or rolled oats, hay, stale whole wheat bread, cooked whole wheat pasta. Your mice need vegetables: vitamins and minerals come from fresh vegetables like greens, carrots, peas, and more. Some veggies (or too much of a single veggie) can upset the stomach and leave you with a very messy cage. Your mice need protein: this can … Continue reading

Taming Your Pet Mouse

Mice are social, active, and curious — and can become used to handling with some time and patience. After they become used to their new cage home, you can start getting them used to you and your family. Spend time around the cage. Let the mice hear your voice. Don’t move too quickly or speak too loudly. Offer a treat through the bars of the cage — try millet or sunflower seeds. Offer a treat on the palm of your hand. You can move the treat up your arm gradually, to encourage the mouse to climb into your hand and … Continue reading

Pet Mouse Basics

If rats aren’t your first choice in a pet, you may want to think about a pet mouse instead! Pet mice are active, interesting, and can be very social. The basics: Size — mice are generally between six and seven inches long, but half of that length is tail! The body is approximately three to three and a half inches long. Life Span — mice live an average of one and a half to two years. Lifestyle — mice live well in pairs or groups, and are nocturnal. A mouse is a very social pet, and doesn’t do very well … Continue reading