Why Pets Aren’t Good Presents

This goes without saying, but you can never say it too often because it happens every year: don’t give pets as presents.  If you’re thinking about gifting a pet to someone you love this year, consider very carefully.  Pets are lifelong commitments and responsibilities, not fun presents. Now, I can think of one context in which it could be OK to give a pet for a present: if the person receiving asked for it, knew that’s what they were getting, and understood the responsibilities involved.  That means in most cases, it’s not appropriate to get pets as gifts for children: … Continue reading

Common Pet Myths: True or Untrue?

Many of the “facts” we grew up hearing about pets are false.  For example: who hasn’t seen countless images of a content cat licking cream out of a saucer?  When I got a cat in my childhood I remembered that image, and left out a bowl of milk for him.  He sniffed it and threw up.  This happened nearly every time I tried to give him milk; even if he didn’t spit up, he never touched the stuff. Because it turns out, not all cats can drink milk.  Some of them can, but lactose intolerance is as prevalent among cats … Continue reading

Keep Pets Safe from Outdoor Seasonal Dangers

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! People who have one or more pets that primarily live outdoors need to take extra precautions to keep them safe as the weather gets cold and miserable. VPI has created a helpful list of 10 seasonal dangers to outdoor pets. When you go out into the snowy, Winter, weather, you probably bundle up. Most of us wear warm coats, gloves, hats, and scarves if we are expecting to be outside for more than a minute or two. Your pets can’t do that. This could lead to a very serious, and tragic, situation. You might … Continue reading

Most Popular Pet Names of 2012

One thing we see a lot of this time of year is lists of baby names: the top baby names for the year, and names that are projected to be popular in the coming year.  What we don’t expect to see are studies of a different sort of name: dog names.  But that’s just what MSN did, compiling a list of the top puppy names for 2012. A familiar name tops the list: Bella.  It’s been a popular female dog name since 2006, thanks to the “Twilight” craze.  I can attest to that; Chihiro was originally named Bella when we … Continue reading

A Little Company

About a month before my parents got divorced our family got a puppy. We adored him and he quickly became part of the family. We still recall many stories about him running into doors and forgetting which leg to put up when he was marking his territory. He had a sweet little personality and always knew when something was wrong. He was able to provide comfort during that particularly difficult time during the divorce and many times thereafter. We have many fond memories of him and miss him a lot. At first he went with us during visitation, but before … Continue reading

Does Your Pet Hate Fireworks?

Fireworks, thunderstorms, gunfire. What do they have in common? They can be incredibly terrifying for your pets! My Miko was terrified of thunderstorms. And fireworks. And firecrackers. And any other sharp, sudden noise. He would tremble and try to climb into any lap that was available. Nobody around to sit on? He would belly-crawl all ninety pounds of shepherd-husky mix under my bed and hide. If your pet is afraid of fireworks and thunderstorms, you can try a few different things to help ease his anxiety. Some trainers suggest simply ignoring the behavior. If cuddle your frightened pet or try … Continue reading

Pets, Fitness and Depression

If you struggle with depression and are also concerned about losing weight or simply exercising more, consider an unconventional remedy: getting a new pet. Studies have consistently shown that regular exposure to the companionship of animals can relieve stress, improve moods, and generally contribute to mental well-being in humans. In short, pets are good for us, whether we deal with depression or not. It may seem counterintuitive – is it wise to take on the responsibility of a pet when simply getting through a normal day can be difficult? The idea is that the change itself, the new responsibility, will … Continue reading