Involving the Whole Family in Pet Care

You probably know somebody in this sort of situation — the kids begged for a pet, promised to take care of the pet, but it is the parents who end up doing most of the caretaking? If this describes you, you’re not alone! Regardless of what age your kids are, there are ways to get them involved (and keep them involved) in the care of the family pets. Assigning tasks that are age-appropriate will help everyone stay involved. Toddlers won’t be TOO much help — you can’t really leave a toddler to feed the cat or walk the dog. That … Continue reading

Pets and Kids

My dog Miko was like the cranky old man who gave out sprays with the hose on Halloween. He just didn’t like kids. If anybody under 16 even looked at him, he’d start rumbling. Okay, he didn’t like anyone or anything young. Children, puppies, kittens, he disliked them all equally. On the other side of the coin is my girl dog Lally. She gets along with pretty much everybody, young or old. I remember one Christmas when I was living in Vermont, I spent the holiday with a friend from work. My friend’s daughter who was maybe 3 at the … Continue reading