Walt Disney Pavilion at Florida Hospital for Children

Disney has a history of helping in hospitals Going to the hospital can be a scary time for anyone, but especially for children. If it’s the child being taken for a hospital visit, and not just accompanying others to visit someone else, the experience becomes even more frightening. Kids can sense how upset the parents must be at the situation, which might only double their own fears. Anything that might help lessen those fears and distract children from their upsetting time at a hospital, then, is fantastic. Kudos to Walt Disney Imagineering and Florida Hospital for Children for their recent … Continue reading

18 Zoos and Aquariums Worthy of Your Donations

Rounding out the categories for animal-centered organizations worthy of your donations is zoos and aquariums. (Previously the top 79 animal rights, welfare, and service organizations and the top 24 wildlife conservation organizations were listed.) “Top” standings were derived by using ratings generated by Charity Navigator. Any zoo or aquarium that they gave four stars (their highest rating) to meant it passed mustard and made the list. The zoos and aquariums are listed in alphabetical order and are linked to their websites. In cases where the information was readily available, each zoos number of animals and acres is also listed. 1. … Continue reading

24 Wildlife Conservation Organizations Worthy of Your Donations

The other day I listed 79 animal rights, welfare, and service organizations worthy of your donations based on ratings generated by Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy. These were organizations that scored either four stars from Charity Navigator (their highest rating) or “A”s from the American Institute of Philanthropy. Using the same methodology, the list below represents the top rated wildlife conservation organizations that you can feel confident are utilizing your donation dollars in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Again, charities are listed in alphabetical order and are linked to their websites, if applicable. 1. African … Continue reading

79 Animal Rights, Welfare, and Service Organizations Worthy of Your Donations

Using ratings generated by Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy, I’ve compiled a list of the top-rated animal rights, welfare, and service-related charities. These are ones that scored either four stars from Charity Navigator (their highest rating) or As from the American Institute of Philanthropy. Charity Navigator and the American Institute of Philanthropy evaluate “the financial health” of non-profit organizations to determine which ones are using their money most effectively. What this means to you is that you can rest assured your donation dollars are being well utilized for the cause they were intended. Charities are listed in … Continue reading

Register to Give; Not to Receive

More and more, couples preparing to say their vows are benefiting from dual incomes and upwardly mobile careers are forgoing traditional gift registration for their wedding presents. Instead they are sending an outline listing their favorite causes and charities and asking for donations to be made in their names. There are online resources where you can set up a gift registry requesting donations to your favorite charities or causes. Turn Your Wedding into a Celebration Couples are enjoying the opportunity to turn their weddings into celebrations of philanthropy. They can ask guests to donate to charities in their name or … Continue reading