Stocking Stuffers for Your Favorite Shutterbug

No, lottery tickets aren’t on the list. The following Christmas stocking stuffer ideas are sure to please your favorite photographers, regardless of their skill level. In addition, they will also please your bank account, given that they don’t include purchasing a new (see: expensive) camera. MEMORY CARDS I’m horrible at erasing shots taken on memory cards. As a result, I am constantly running out of space, and often end up frantically searching for a spare card at the most inopportune times. Digital camera owners can always use a few extra memory cards. Fortunately, they don’t cost nearly as much as … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Photo Accessory Gift Ideas

I admit that most of the social interaction I get being a work-at-home mom is with other moms whose kids my daughter plays with. So you’ll forgive me if I over-generalize and say that most of the family photographers I know are women. Frankly, I don’t feel as though this is a starling fact. I am the designated photographer in my family and while all of the professional photographers at my TV job are male many willingly admit that when it comes to still photography their wives are the ones that wield the camera in their households. So as Mother’s … Continue reading

Alternatives to Tripods— Image-Stabilizing Equipment

I just got off my tripod soapbox and now here I am discussing image-stabilizing equipment again. I promise not to mention the word tripod in this blog. Rather, I’m here to focus on alternatives to the traditional three-legged device. They’re designed to eliminate the dreaded shaky shot minus the inconvenience of toting around a bulky accessory. The first device is a zoom lens. Yes, I know, you’re wondering how a lens is going to help stabilize your shots. This particular lens features technology that does the work of a tripo… (You get the idea). It’s called the Nikon AF-S VR … Continue reading

Should You Invest in an “All-In-One” Photo Printer?

It’s a question I have been grappling with for a while. In shopping around for a printer that can do double duty for my photo projects and writing jobs I’ve noticed a few trends. First, stand-alone ink-jet printers are fading fast. Stores are now filling their shelves with “all-in-one” printers that usually combine a printer, copier and scanner. What’s more, prices for these multi-purpose machines have fallen so dramatically that you can usually find an all-in-one device for the same price as a single-function printer. In my mind I look at these all-in-ones and rationalize that I’m getting a scanner … Continue reading

Hot Photo Accessories for the New Year

Can you guess what the most requested photo accessory is according to camera experts? If you answered a tripod you are correct. Most people buy into the misconception that tripods are only used by professional photographers. However, if you are an amateur photographer who owns one of these handy three-legged supports then you know that is simply not the case. I’m far from being a professional photographer yet I own two tripods—-a mini tripod and a traditional bulky version that I inherited from my professional photographer grandfather. Truthfully, the larger tripod is a pain to carry around, which is why … Continue reading

All I Want for Christmas is a New Photo Printer

It’s true, but the one photo item I really, really want is listed at the end of this blog. But, getting back to the photo printers… if you are an avid photographer who is all about instant gratification, then you likely find it hard to live without an in-home photo printer. For do-it-yourself photographers inkjet printers are the key to getting your pics ASAP. Fortunately, prices on photo printers have fallen steadily over the past few years. If you are in the market for one, there are three important factors you should consider before forking over the money to take … Continue reading

Protecting Your Camera From Mother Nature

Don’t leave home without your camera. How many times have you heard that reminder prior to leaving on vacation? Personally, my camera is one of the first items I pack. I don’t dare leave home without it. In fact, there have been occasions when I’ve had my camera case primed and ready and completely overlooked packing the proper toiletries. That said you shouldn’t be surprised that I have done a ton of research regarding camera cases and other accessories. Since my family travels to Hawaii a couple of times a year (and we practically live at the beach while we … Continue reading